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Image Item Code Short Description
CAD SLK2L1LP nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Loop, 2 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Length SLK2L1LP
CAD SLK2L2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hook, 2 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length SLK2L2
CAD SLK2L2AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Lengt SLK2L2AB
CAD SLK2L2GBSF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Nail Gun Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Le SLK2L2GBSF
CAD SLK2L2SE250 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 2 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) L SLK2L2SE250
CAD SLK2L3 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hook, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length SLK2L3
CAD SLK2L3AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Lengt SLK2L3AB
CAD SLK2L3GBSF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Nail Gun Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Le SLK2L3GBSF
CAD SLK2L3SF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Shot-Fire Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) L SLK2L3SF
CAD SLK2L3WA6 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Wedge Anchor, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length SLK2L3WA6
CAD SLK2L5AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 2 mm Wire, 16.4' (5 m) Leng SLK2L5AB
CAD SLK2L5SE250 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 2 mm Wire, 16.4' (5 m) SLK2L5SE250
CAD SLK2L5WA6 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Wedge Anchor, 2 mm Wire, 16.4' (5 m) Lengt SLK2L5WA6
CAD SLK2L34H24 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hammer-On Flange Clip, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 SLK2L34H24
CAD SLK2L34H58 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hammer-On Flange Clip, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 SLK2L34H58
CAD SLK2L100PACK nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK Spool Kit, 2 mm Wire, 328' (100 m), 50 Locking SLK2L100PACK
CAD SLK2Y300L2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Y-Toggle, 2 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length, 11 SLK2Y300L2
CAD SLK2Y300L3 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Y-Toggle, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length, 11 SLK2Y300L3
CAD SLK2Y300L3R2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Y-Toggle, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length, 11 SLK2Y300L3R2
CAD SLK2Y500L3 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Y-Toggle, 2 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length, 19 SLK2Y500L3
CAD SLK3L1SE375 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 3 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) L SLK3L1SE375
CAD SLK3L3SE375 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 3 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) L SLK3L3SE375
CAD SLK3L5R2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hook, 3 mm Wire, 16.4' (5 m) Length SLK3L5R2
CAD SLK3L5WA6 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Wedge Anchor, 3 mm Wire, 16.4' (5 m) Lengt SLK3L5WA6
CAD SLK3L7AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 3 mm Wire, 22.9' (7 m) Leng SLK3L7AB
CAD SLK3L7SE375 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 3 mm Wire, 3/8" Rod SLK3L7SE375
CAD SLK3L10AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 3 mm Wire, 32.8' (10 m) Len SLK3L10AB
CAD SLK15L1AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Len SLK15L1AB
CAD SLK15L1LPR2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Loop, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Length SLK15L1LPR2
CAD SLK15L1SF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Shot-Fire Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) SLK15L1SF
CAD SLK15L1T nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Toggle, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Length SLK15L1T
CAD SLK15L1TR2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Toggle, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Length SLK15L1TR2
CAD SLK15L1WA6 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Wedge Anchor, 1.5 mm Wire, 3.3' (1 m) Leng SLK15L1WA6
CAD SLK15L2AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Len SLK15L2AB
CAD SLK15L2DH nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Decking Hook, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Leng SLK15L2DH
CAD SLK15L2GBSF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Nail Gun Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) SLK15L2GBSF
CAD SLK15L2LP nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Loop, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length SLK15L2LP
CAD SLK15L2LPR2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Loop, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length SLK15L2LPR2
CAD SLK15L2SE250 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) SLK15L2SE250
CAD SLK15L2SF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Shot-Fire Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) SLK15L2SF
CAD SLK15L2T nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Toggle, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length SLK15L2T
CAD SLK15L2TR2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Toggle, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Length SLK15L2TR2
CAD SLK15L2WA6 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Wedge Anchor, 1.5 mm Wire, 6.6' (2 m) Leng SLK15L2WA6
CAD SLK15L3AB nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Angle Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Len SLK15L3AB
CAD SLK15L3DH nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Decking Hook, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Leng SLK15L3DH
CAD SLK15L3GBSF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Nail Gun Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) SLK15L3GBSF
CAD SLK15L3LP nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Loop, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length SLK15L3LP
CAD SLK15L3R2 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Hook, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) Length SLK15L3R2
CAD SLK15L3SE250 nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Threaded Stud End, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) SLK15L3SE250
CAD SLK15L3SF nVent CADDY Speed Link SLK with Shot-Fire Bracket, 1.5 mm Wire, 9.9' (3 m) SLK15L3SF