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For Pricing Click the Item Code

Image Item Code Short Description
RHE SP20916D 10 in. 5 Units Back to Back Direct Vent Header Kit SP20916D
RHE SP20918AH 6  in. Tee Cap SP20918AH
RHE SP20918AT 10  in. Back to Back Air Intake Branch Tee SP20918AT
RHE SP20918U 8 in., 87 Degree Elbow Vertical Support SP20918U
RHE SP20919 Concentric Vent Kit w/Elbow - 4 in. SP20919
RHE SP20976 Conversion Kit Assembly - ELD (240V/6000W/6000W) (Over 55 gallons) SP20976
RHE SP20983 Conversion Kit Assembly - ELD (480V/4000W/4000W) (Over 55 gallons) SP20983
RHE SP20990 Blower Assembly Replacement Kit (RHE) SP20990
RHE AP12768 Vacuum Tube AP12768
RHE SP10869LL Element - 240V/4000W Stainless Steel Resistored LWD - 1 in. Screw-in SP10869LL
RHE AP10873ML-6 Element - 480V/4500W Copper Resistored LWD - 1 in. Screw-in AP10873ML6
RHE SP20999A Blower Assembly Kit 5.0 SP20999A
RHE 800203B Gasket Kit - Ht Ex Red 3 (Contains 9 Pcs) 800203B
RHE AM39753 Blower Assembly AM39753
RHE SP20915G 8 Units Back to Back Power Vent Header Kit SP20915G
RHE RTG20164AD Burner Manifold (NG) RTG20164AD
RHE RTG20261A Tankless Commercial Conversion Kit for 95DVLN-1 RTG20261A
RHE UV13045 Dielectric Union (3/4 in. NPT  x 3/4 in. tube) UV13045
RHE AM42345 Burner Assembly AM42345
RHE SP10869NM Element - 240V/5000W Stainless Steel Resistored LWD - 1 in. Screw-in SP10869NM
RHE SP12112S Drain Valve - Brass SP12112S
RHE SP20231 Gas Control (Thermostat) - NG SP20231
RHE UV11956B T&P Run-Off Tube - Top Mount UV11956B
RHE 002220F Kit - HDR In/Out 334-1125 002220F
RHE 007141F Kit - High Limit Auto Reset 007141F
RHE 008011F Heat Exchanger 260A/261A BRASME-Kit 008011F
RHE AM35050DHH Burner Assembly AM35050DHH
RHE AM39508 Terminal Vent Assembly - 2 in. AM39508
RHE AM43284 Burner Assembly - 22V40S - 36 in. AM43284
RHE AM45437 Burner Assembly AM45437
RHE AP10500K Dip Tube/Nipple - 1-1/2 in. diameter x 32-1/2 in. long AP10500K
RHE AP11274C-1 Dip Tube - 1 in. diameter x 29 in. long - Closed End AP11274C1
RHE AP14014 Lint Guard AP14014
RHE AP14334A-3 Roof Jack - Vertical Co-Axial AP14334A3
RHE AP14439A-1 Pilot Assembly AP14439A1
RHE AP16638 Thermostat - Electric AP16638
RHE AS44122 Blower Gas Valve Assembly AS44122
RHE RK013081 Elbow - 90 degree - Concentric (XPak) RK013081
RHE RK900105 Decal - Propane RK900105
RHE RTG20000AZ Water Outlet Connector - 3/4 in. RTG20000AZ
RHE RTG20006B Support Plate RTG20006B
RHE RTG20006JE Program Chip 0-3280 (NG) RTG20006JE
RHE RTG20074GA Program Chip 6561-9840 (NG) RTG20074GA
RHE RTG20212BG Flame Rod - 2 Wire Kit RTG20212BG
RHE RTG20265 Hot Isolation Valve - Webstone RTG20265
RHE SP1273-008 Thermostat - Electric SP1273008
RHE SP5902B Wire - 12 AWG Black 5 ft. SP5902B
RHE SP8242J Thermocouple - 24 in. SP8242J
RHE SP10552LH Element - 240V/4000W Copper Resistored HWD - 1 in. Screw-in SP10552LH
RHE SP11309R Anode Rod - 0.750 in. diameter x 10-3/8 in. long - Magnesium SP11309R