Zoeller 912-0063
Preassembled simplex sewage package systems
More choices
Easier installation
Fast delivery
Saves labor
Reduces installation errors
System includes:
2 solids handling pump
2 PVC discharge pipe, 30 long (24 long on 24 x 24) and (36 long on 24 x 36)
Basinspolyethylene, poly-foam or fiberglass construction with poly or solid steel covers and 4 pipe seal hub, 4 PVC hub (Deluxe) or 4 cast iron hub on L.A. Code Systems
Check valve options30-0151, 30-0020, 30-0021, 30-0101, 30-0103 (not included)
Systems available with alarms and preinstalled alarm float
Premium indoor systems have a split cover for easy pump inspection, torque stops and an anti-flotation device
Side discharge systems rated for outdoor burialsolid polyethylene structural foam lid and basin with 2 discharge on side
3/16 vent hole drilled
18 x 30 simplex systems are shipped four units to a skid. 24 x 36 are shipped individually. All units are properly secured with a 2 PVC discharge pipe in the basins to avoid shifting or upsetting the pump and switch mechanism. Float switch is secured with tape that is easily removed through the inlet hub opening. Premium basins have torque stops for prevention of shipping damage to the pump. All other systems are packaged with environment safe peanuts that are water soluble. No need to remove.