
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: STE 9979-A
Description: 50:1 Ram 400#, Cover & F
MFG Part #: 9979-A
Supplier: ALEMITE
Usually ships in 4 days.
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Your Price: $2178.23 / EA

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* Quantity discounts may be available. Call Kelly Supply at 800-918-8939.
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High Pressure (Grease Pump) Selection Guide

The chart below lists general high pressure pump selection guidelines.
Each aplication varies and should be carefully considered for special
conditions that may require a pump selection other than the standard
recommendations listed.

These conditions include, but are not limited to:
* Viscosity of product pumped
* Ambient temperature conditions
* Simultaneous operation of several dispensing outlets
* Dispensing volume requirements

When measuring total pump distance, the hose length of dispensing
reels should be included in total distance.
Pump distance (feet) Up to 4 ft Up to 50 ft Up to 75 ft 75-150 ft Up
to 150 ft Over 150 ft Over 150 ft
Number of outlets 1 1 1-3 1-3 3+ 1-3 3+
Drum size 35 lbs. (9911 includes follower plate and cover) N/A 9911
Series** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
120 lbs. (only 9950-A1 and 8550-A1 include follwer plate and drum
cover) N/A 9951 Series** 9950-A1, 8550-A1 9940, 8540-A1 7785-B5,
7786-C 7785-B5 7786-AC
400 lbs. (only 9979-A includes follower plate & drum cover) 7216-A4*
9979-A, 8559-B 9979-A, 8559-B 9949, 8549-B1 7785-A5, 7786-A5 7885-A5
Bulk Tote Tank N/A N/A 9930 7730 7730 7730 7730
Tubing recommendation (hydraulic fitting) 5/8" OD 0.083" Wall 5/8" OD
0.083" Wall 5/8" OD 0.083" Wall 3/4" OD 0.083" Wall 1" OD 0.125" Wall
1" OD 0.125" Wall 1" OD 0.125" Wall
* High volume pump

** Specific pump selection depends on what accessories are required

NOTE: For pumping non-petroleum based products, contact Alemite Tech
Services. Alemite recommends using hydraulic tubing for all

WARNING: Do not operate pump at higher pressure than lowest rated part
of system. Severe injury may result if pump is operated at pressures
greater than the lowest component in the distribution system.

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Products / Pumps / Grease Pumps /
Pneumatic Grease Pumps / RAM Pumps (Stationary)
Pneumatic Grease Pumps : RAM Pumps (Stationary) RAM Pumps
(Portable) Standard Duty (Stationary) Standard Duty (Portable)
Industrial Pumps (Stationary)
How to Buy

Pneumatic RAM Pumps (Stationary)

Alemite Stationary RAM Pumps provide quiet operation and quick
serviceability. Capable of transferring grease at a rate of 4.5 lb.
per minute, these double-acting pumps are designed to reduce line
pulsation and allow lower operating pressure. Ideal for piped
installations of moderate length.

* Internal muffler and an innovative airflow design help Alemite RAM
Pumps meet OSHA noise requirements (85 dB)
* Orientation of material outlet and air inlet can be easily
adjusted 360
* Pumps are easy to use and designed to operate with or without a
* Air motor and spool valve are easily accessible without removing
the downtube
* Flexible follower works with straight and tapered containers

* Air inlet: 1/4" NPTF(f)
* Material outlet: 3/8" NPTF(f)
* Air motor diameter: 3"
* Metric RAM pumps meet European standards (CE)
* Recommended for piped installations of up to 150 ft

* (9930): Male 3" Cam Lock Adapter for mounting pump to bulk grease

Images Product # Drum Size Pump Ratio Delivery Weight Follower* Cover*
9940 120 lb. 70:1 3.25 lb./min. 28 lb. 338802 338371
9949 400 lb. 70:1 3.25 lb./min. 32 lb. 338911 338163
9950-1 120 lb. 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 19 lb. Included: 338802 Included:
9950-A1 120 lb. 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 32 lb. 338802 338371
9979 400 lb. 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 25 lb. 338911 338163
9979-M 400 lb. 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 25 lb. 338911 338163
9979-A 400 lb. 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 49 lb. Included: 338911 Included:
9950-B1 12.5 kg (35 lb.) 50:1 2.04 kg/min. 16 lb. 338991 338981
9950-C1 20 kg 50:1 2.04 kg/min. 18 lb. 338992 338982
9950-1 50 kg (120 lb.) 50:1 2.04 kg/min. 19 lb. 338802 338371
9950-D1 180 kg (400 lb.) 50:1 2.04 kg/min. 23 lb. 338911 338984
9979-M 180 kg (400 lb.) 50:1 2.0 kg/min 25 lb. Included: 338911
Included: 338984
9930** Bulk 50:1 4.5 lb./min. 16 lb. Not required Not required
*Recommended Accessory

**Bulk Tote Tank pump designed for horizontal mounting and space

NOTE: Delivery based on NLGI #2 at 77F, 150 psi. Delivery rate may
vary based on grease type, temperature, pressure, distance pumped and
other conditions.

Keywords: Alemite Lubrication Systems, fluid handling, Parts and service kits.

Products ; Pumps ; Grease Pumps ;High Pressure (Grease Pump) Selection Guide


Manufacturer ALEMITE

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