
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: STE 7181-K
Description: Pump with Hose & Nozzle
MFG Part #: 7181-K
Supplier: ALEMITE
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Your Price: $940.26 / EA

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Product Literature and Service Sheets

Products / Pumps / Oil Pumps / Manual Oil
Pumps / Bucket Pumps
Manual Oil Pumps : Bucket Pumps Dispensing Pumps
Standard-Duty Pumps
How to Buy

Bucket Pumps

7181 Series
High-Volume Bucket Pumps

Pumps both oil and greases. Adjustable lever adapts pump to lubricant
type and operating conditions. Ideal for filling open and sealed
reservoirs, compressed air lubricatiors, gearboxes and centralized
lubrication equipment.

* Hose Assembly (317854-5F or 317854-10)
* High-Flow Nozzel (306610)

RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES (7181-4, 7181-M, 7181-K):
* Portable Cart (6777-5)
* Loader Coupler (306741)

7181 Series
Images Product # Description Capacity Delivery Per Stroke Pressure
Outlet Weight Included Items
7181-4 High Volume Bucket Pump 3.7 gal. 1 oz. Up to 500 psi 3/8"
NPTF(f) 19 lb. Check Valves
7181-M High Volume Bucket Pump Assembly with Meter 3.7 gal. 1 oz. Up
to 500 psi 3/8" NPTF(f) 20 lb. Hose Assembly (322434), High Flow
Nozzle (306610), Electronic Stationary Meter (3631)
7181-K High Volume Bucket Pump Assembly with Hose & Nozzle 3.7 gal. 1
oz. Up to 500 psi 3/8" NPTF(f) 20 lb. Hose Assembly (371807-5F),
Nozzle Assembly (306610)

7149 Series
Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump

These manual pumps offer variable pressure between 2,500 and 5,000
psi. Adjustable lever has three positions to adapt pump to lubricant
type and operating conditions.

* Capacity of 35 lb. or 5 gallons
* Delivery - 1 oz. per stroke
* Develops 2,500 - 5,000 psi

* Hose Assembly (Hydraulic Narrow Coupler)(322434)
* Hose Assembly (Giant Button Head Coupler)(6615-G)
* Hose Assembly (Standard Button Head Coupler)(6616-G)
* Hose Assembly (Hydraulic Standard Coupler)(6617-G)

7149 Series
Images Product # Description Weight Included Items
7149-4 Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 18 lb. N/A
7149-A4 Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 21 lb. Hose Assembly (322434)
7149-E4 Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 21 lb. Hose & coupler assembly
(6616-G), Buttonhead fitting (A1188), Plug Button (171134)
7149-F4 Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 21 lb. Hose & coupler assembly
(6615-G), Buttonhead fitting (322108), Plug Button (171134)
7149-T Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 32 lb. Porta-Cart (6777-5)
7149-V Multi-Pressure Bucket Pump 49 lb. Hose and Coupler assembly
(6617-G), Porta-Cart (6777-5)
7149-A4P High Impact Plastic Bucket Pump Assembly 20 lb. Hose Assembly
7149-4P High Impact Plastic Bucket Pump Assembly 17 lb. N/A

Keywords: Alemite Lubrication Systems, fluid handling, Parts and service kits.

Products ; Pumps ; Oil Pumps ; Manual Oil Pumps ;Bucket Pumps


Manufacturer ALEMITE

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