
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: STE 327247
Description: Adapter Kit
MFG Part #: 327247
Supplier: ALEMITE
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Your Price: $298.49 / EA

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Product Literature and Service Sheets

Products / Pumps / Chemical and Material Handling
/ Class 5 & 6
Chemical and Material Handling : GT Pumps Class 1 Class 1
& 2 Class 1, 2 & 3 Class 2, 3 & 4 Class 3 & 4 Class 4
Class 5 & 6 Undercoating Pumps Diaphragm Pumps
Downtubes Electric Transfer Pumps Bushings
How to Buy

Class 5 & 6: Heavy- and Extra-Heavy Semi-Fluids (Non-Measurable Viscosity)

Alemite Class 5 & 6 Pumps are designed to pump heavy- and extra-heavy
semi-fluids, including caulks, dehydrated glues, light putties, heavy
sealers and plastic cements. Dynamic primer downtube extends below the
pump cylinder to penetrate and work the material and to provide
positive priming of the heaviest pumpable materials. All pumps
recommended for dispensing and extruding applications; 7889-6 and
7889-C also recommended for spraying applications.

* Air inlet: 3/4" NPTF(f)
* Material outlet: 1/2" NPTF(f)

Images Product # Wetted Material Seal Material Drum Size Pump Ratio
Free Flow per min Cycles per gal. Material Outlet Weight
7893-A Carbon Steel Buna 400 lb. 48:1 20 lb. 40 1/2" NPTF(f) 102 lb.
7889-6 Carbon Steel Buna 400 lb. 40:1 3 gal. 97 1/2" NPTF(f) 92 lb.
7889-C Carbon Steel Buna 120 lb. 40:1 3 gal. 97 1/2" NPTF(f) 84 lb.
Recommended Accessories
Used with Pump Single-Post Hoist Adapter Plate Follower Adapter
7893-A 2741-4, 2742-4, 2743-4 338019 (for 2741-4 or 2742-4) 327242
(use with 2742-4) 327247 (required for 327242)
7889-6 2741-4, 2742-4, 2743-4 322593 (for 2741-4 or 2742-4) 327242
(use with 2742-4) N/A
7889-C 2742-4, 2743-4 322593 (for 2741-4 or 2742-4) 324610 (use with
2742-4) 327247 (required for 324610)
WARNING! Always consult a MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY CHART to ensure that
the material being pumped and the cleaning product used for the pump
are compatible with the material composition of the pump and hose.

Keywords: Alemite Lubrication Systems, fluid handling, Parts and service kits.

Products ; Pumps ; Chemical and Material Handling ;Class 5 & 6


Manufacturer ALEMITE

Supplemental Files

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