
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: STE 316315-5
Description: 120 LB Dolly
MFG Part #: 316315-5
Supplier: ALEMITE
Usually ships in 4 days.
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Your Price: $328.24 / EA

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Pneumatic RAM Pumps (Portable)

Alemite Mobile RAM Grease Pumps offer portability, quiet operation and
quick serviceability. Most models come equipped with all necessary
accessories for fast and easy setup.

* Air inlet: 1/4" NPTF(f)
* Material outlet: 3/8" NPTF(f)
* Air motor diameter: 3"
* Pumps are 50:1 ratio, except 9941 is 70:1 ratio
* Flexible follower works with straight and tapered containers

* Contol Valve (6320-3)
* 7' Material Hose (317875-7)
* Z-Swivel (B52752)

Images Product # Drum Size Delivery Cover* Follower* Dolly* Other*
Weight Bare Pump
9911-A1 see note** 4.5 lb./min. 323496-A4 see note** 393629 N/A 68 lb.
9911-J 35 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338166 337665 No Built-in carrying handle
29 lb. 9950-C1
9911-Z1 35 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338166 337665 338958 N/A 50 lb. 9911-1
9941 120 lb. 3.25 lb./min. 338371 338802 316315-5 N/A 54 lb. 9940
9951-1 120 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338371 338802 316315-5 Built-in holster
for hose and handle 50 lb. 9950-1
9951-S1 120 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338371 338802 N/A Built-in holster for
hose and handle 37 lb. 9950
9951-T1 120 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338371 338802 338958 Built-in holster for
hose and handle 57 lb. 9950-1
9911-HA1 12.5 kg. 2.04 kg./min. 338981 338991 Order separately 338958
Built-in carrying handle 31 lb. N/A
9911-HB1 20 kg. 2.04 kg./min. 338982 338992 Order separately 338958
N/A 37 lb. N/A
9911-HC1 50 kg. (120 lb.) 2.04 kg./min. 338983 338993 Order separately
338958 N/A 42 lb. N/A
9911-B1 120 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 323496-A4 N/A N/A N/A 36 lb. 9911-R1
9911-C1 35 lb. 4.5 lb./min. 338166 337665 N/A N/A 21 lb. 9911-1
*Included items (unless noted)

**9911-A1 will hold 70 lb. bulk grease or 35 lb. original refinery
pail. Use follower (338802) with 70 lb. bulk grease and follower
(337665) with 35 lb. refinery pail.

NOTE: Delivery based on NLG1 #2 at 77F, 150 psi. Delivery rate may
vary based on grease type, temperature, pressure, distance pumped and
other conditions.

New Products
Lubrication Fittings
Grease Guns
Centralized Lubrication Systems
Control Valves and Meters
Compressed Air Components
Fluid Management
Used Fluid Handling Equipment
Lubrication Accessories
Bulk Oil Systems
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Products / Pumps / Grease Pumps /
Pneumatic Grease Pumps / Standard Duty (Portable)
Pneumatic Grease Pumps : RAM Pumps (Stationary) RAM Pumps
(Portable) Standard Duty (Stationary) Standard Duty (Portable)
Industrial Pumps (Stationary)
How to Buy
High-Pressure Portable H-Pump

8541-5 - High-Pressure Portable H-Pump

Designed for high-pressure industrial and agricultural applications.
Pump is packaged with all components necessary for mobile dispensing.
Drum not included.
* Air inlet: 1/4" NPTF(f)
* Material outlet: 3/8" NPTF(f)
* Air motor diameter: 3"
* Use with 120-lb. containers
* Pump ratio:70:1
* Approximate delivery per minute: 2 lb.
* Unit has a built-in holster to keep the hose and handle off the
* Equipped with Pressurtrol (319800-1), designed to cut off air
supply to the pump when pressure reaches designated level (factory
set at 7,500 psi)
* Flexible follower works with straight containers
* Included Items: Cover (pump mounted in cover) (338371), Follower
(338802), 7' Material Hose (317875-7), Z-Swivel (B52752), Control
Handle (6320-3), Steel Dolly (316315-5) (comes assembled with
durable casters)

New Products
Lubrication Fittings
Grease Guns
Centralized Lubrication Systems
Control Valves and Meters
Compressed Air Components
Fluid Management
Used Fluid Handling Equipment
Lubrication Accessories
Bulk Oil Systems
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Product Literature and Service Sheets

Products / Pumps / Oil Pumps / Manual Oil
Pumps / Dispensing Pumps
Manual Oil Pumps : Bucket Pumps Dispensing Pumps
Standard-Duty Pumps
How to Buy

Dispensing Pumps

* Compatible with oils and gear lubes
* Units attach directly to original container
* Lever has two positions to adjust delivery rate

Images Product # Description Drum Size Delivery Per Stroke Outlet
Included Items Recommended Accessories
7533-4 Dual-Leverage Pump 5 gal. 2.6 oz. per stroke 1/2" NPTF(f)
5-1/2' Hose (317809-5F), Curved Nozzle (306610), Pail Cover Dolly
(336575-A1), Hand Cart (338958)
7534-4 Dual-Leverage Pump 16 gal. 2.6 oz. per stroke 1/2" NPTF(f)
5-1/2' Hose (317809-5F), Curved Nozzle (306610), Pail Cover Dolly
(336575-B1 or 316315-5), Hand Cart (338958), Digital In-Line Meter
7535-4 Dual-Leverage Pump 55 gal. 2.6 oz. per stroke 1/2" NPTF(f)
5-1/2' Hose (317809-5F), Curved Nozzle (306610), 2" NPTF(m) Bung
Adapter Digital In-Line Meter (3631), Dolly (336899)
8570-5 Dual-Leverage Pump 16 gal. 2.6 oz. per stroke 1/2" NPTF(f)
5-1/2' Hose (317809-5F), Curved Nozzle (306610), Drum Cover, In-Line
Electronic Meter (3631), Dolly (316315-5) N/A
8571-5* Dual-Leverage Pump 16 gal. 2.6 oz. per stroke 1/2" NPTF(f) 1'
Hose (317860-1), Curved Nozzle (306610), Drum Cover, In-Line
Electronic Meter (3631), Filter (321203), Dolly (316315-5) N/A
7117-1** Standard Duty Pump 25 lb. - 35 lb. pails 2.6 oz. per stroke
N/A 5" Hose, Curved Nozzle, Pail Cover Assembly N/A
* Designed for automatic transmission fluid

** Designed for fluids and non-aggressive lubricants

New Products
Lubrication Fittings
Grease Guns
Centralized Lubrication Systems
Control Valves and Meters
Compressed Air Components
Fluid Management
Used Fluid Handling Equipment
Lubrication Accessories
Bulk Oil Systems
Quick Links
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Product Literature and Service Sheets

Products / Pumps / Oil Pumps / Pneumatic
Oil Pumps / RAM Pumps (Portable)
Pneumatic Oil Pumps : RAM Pumps (Stationary) RAM Pumps
(Portable) Standard Duty (Stationary) Industrial Pumps
How to Buy

Pneumatic RAM Pumps (Portable)

Alemites Mobile RAM Gear Oil Pump offers portability, quiet operation
and quick serviceability.

* Recommended for gear oils
* Delivery: Up to 4 gallons per minute (at 150 psi for SAE 140 gear
* Air inlet: 1/4" NPTF(f)
* Air motor diameter: 3"
* Features a built-in control valve holster to keep the hose and
handle off the floor
* Steel dolly includes durable casters pre-installed
* Dispensing valve included with pump is designed for hard-to-reach
areas such as vehicle near axles

* Drum Cover (338145)
* Control Valve (7492)
* 5-1/2' Material Hose (317856-5F)
* In-Line Electronic Meter (3631)
* Steel Dolly (316315-5)
* Dispensing Valve (7492)

Images Product # Bare Pump Drum Size Pump Ratio Delivery Weight
9961-1 9968 16 gal. 5:1 4 gpm 40 lb.

Keywords: Alemite Lubrication Systems, fluid handling, Parts and service kits.

Products ; Lubrication Accessories ;Dollies, Hand Trucks & Lube Carts


Manufacturer ALEMITE

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