
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: SOL 275P
Description: Replacement Polyester Element
MFG Part #: 275P
Supplier: Approved Supplier
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Your Price: $135.02 / EA

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Solberg 275P
Polyester Elements (5 Micron), Up to 6600 SCFM (11220 m3/hr)
(Industrial Strength Replacement Polyester Media Elements, 99%+ removal efficiency to 5 µm)

• Temp (continuous): min -15° F ( -26° C) max 220° F (104° C)
• Filter change out differential: 10"-15" in. H2O above initial delta P
• Less maintenance
• More durable than paper media
• Moisture resistant
• Handles hot air and oil mist from unload cycle of reciprocating/piston compressor
• Reinforced with epoxy coated steel wire on both sides of cloth
• Washable - lukewarm water & mild detergent
• Dust loading capacity is increased 40 % - 50% with prefilter
• Optimal sealing surface & design
• 99%+ removal efficiency standard to 5 micron


Manufacturer Approved Supplier

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