Rust-Oleum® Maintenance Floor Coating Kit, 2-Component, Series: EASYCLEAR®, Liquid, Clear Glass, High Gloss, 250 to 400 sq-ft/gal Coverage, Chemical Composition: Modified Cycloaliphatic Amine, 60 to 85 deg F, <50 g/L VOC, Solvent Like
- High gloss finish applies easily to bare or coated concrete providing great flow and leveling and a generous working time
- Great top coat over other concrete floor coatings
- Excellent resistance to abrasion and chemicals easy-to maintain low VOCs
- For mild to moderate industrial or commercial environments interior/exterior use
- For new, old, bare or previously coated concrete floors great for showrooms, garages, etc
- Convenient, ready to mix kit
- 2:1 mixing ratio
- 110 deg C flash point
- 5 years shelf life
- Part A: base, part B: activator
- 10 hrs light foot traffic dry time, 24 to 48 hrs normal service dry time, 72 to 96 hrs vehicle traffic dry time, 10 to 24 hrs recoat dry time
For new or old uncoated or previously coated industrial concrete floors exposed to heavy foot and rubber-tired vehicle traffic
- SARA Title III 1986 Sections 311/312