PIGĀ® Skimmer Absorbent Pillow, 12 in Length, 12 in Width, 0.5 gal Absorption Capacity, Fluids Absorbed: Oil Based Liquids, Polypropylene, White
- Pillow has large surface area, high capacity and fast-wicking filler to quickly soak up oils
- Tough, chemical resistant polypropylene skin and filler absorb oils but repel water-based liquids
- Polypropylene skin resists chemicals and tearing, reduces dust and holds in liquid, even when saturated
- Ideal for skimming oil off of acid baths or for use in other acidic environments
- Floats to clean-up spills on water confined by booms or socks
- Skin is UV resistant up to 12 months, meets NFPA 99 standards for static decay
- Absorbs and retains oils and oil-based liquids - including lubricants, fuels and cleaning agents, without taking in a drop of water
- Bright white color makes pillow easier to see in outdoor environments, draws attention to machine leaks and clearly shows saturation level
- Can be incinerated after use to reduce waste or for fuels blending