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KSCdirect Part #: HER 35291
Description: CRYO-TEK -100 / AL FOR ALUMINUM 55GAL
MFG Part #: 35291
UPC: 032628352916
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Spec Sheet #S00040July 2008cryotek 100/A


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ANTIFREEZE for aluminum heat exchanger heating and cooling systems

A new generation of very efficient boilers utilizing ALUMINUM HEAT EXCHANGERS are becoming more popular in today's marketplace. These new boilers typically heat three times faster than traditional boilers and require a specific, unique blend of antifreeze specific to protecting against acid corrosion.

Cryotek 100/AL is a blend of virgin (not recycled) propylene glycol and Hercules exclusive Triple Protection additives designed for use in hydronic heating and cooling closed loop piping systems (including PEX and radiant tube heating systems), ice melt and general heating systems where aluminum heat exchangers are installed.

Hercules Triple Protection additives provide outstanding protection against acid corrosion, scale and sedimentation formation in properly maintained systems containing recommended concentrations of cryotek AntiFreeze.

* Acid neutralizing agent protects by neutralizing corrosive acids.

* Mineral Deposition Preventative eliminates scale formation on critical heat transfer surfaces, piping

systems and equipment.

* Mineral Sediment Preventative keeps minerals in solution, resisting formation of clusters of mineral salts

and preventing particles from precipitating out of solution.

Used at recommended levels, all three agents work together to prevent bio film (slime) buildup. Cryotek 100/AL may be used in systems fabricated with metal, plastics (except CPVC) and rubber piping, fittings, seals, and other parts. Corrosion inhibitors in all cryotek products protect against corrosive buildup within the piping loop and are effective with most metals including steel, aluminum* and copper. Cryotek solutions have a high specific heat and are efficient at transferring heat.

As packaged, cryotek is nonflammable, odorless, nonirritating, and compatible with Hercules boiler stop leaks.

Formulated for the maximum propylene glycol protection directly out of the container. Certified Performance: Freeze Protection Down to 60oF / 51oC, Pumpable Down to** to 70oF / 57oC, and Burst Protection Down to 100oF / 73oC.

Cryotek 100/AL can be diluted with water for less severe conditions. (See Chart page 3.)

Test Kits and Accessories

Freeze protection levels and corrosion protection levels should be checked annually. Use Hercules Refractometer (35290) and pH Meter (35272) or, cryotek Test Kit (35271). Add additional cryotek product, if freeze protection is inadequate. Add cryotek 100/AL Inhibitor (35274), if pH is below 7. 0. (see Maintenance section).

DESCRIPTION *Please check with equipment manufacturer of system to determine compatibility with this product. **Minimum flow protection levels are estimated and are dependent on system and equipment.

cryotek 100/A L ANTIFREEZE for aluminum heat exchanger heating and cooling systems


APPROVALS AND LISTINGS The virgin propylene glycol used in cryotek 100/AL and all cryotek products is "GRAS" (Generally Recognized As Safe) for incidental contact with food.

SPECIFIC USES Use any cryotek AntiFreeze in hydronic closed loop heating and cooling systems, chillers, ice melt, solar heating systems, and general plumbing systems that require freeze protection. Cryotek 100/AL is specifically formulated for aluminum based heat exchangers.

SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS# Add cryotek product to protect pipes from freezing and bursting. Although cryotek 100/AL is specifically designed for use in boilers with aluminum heat exchangers, it can be used in more traditional applications, such as chiller systems, recreational vehicles, seasonal homes, mobile homes, trailers, boats, sprinkler systems, and industrial use.

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES cryotek 100/AL pH 7. 0 8. 5 Density lb/gal. 60oF 65oF 8. 74 lb./ gallon Specific Gravity 60oF 65oF 1. 050 Specific Heat BTU/lboF @ 160oF 0. 806 Boiling Point: 230oF / 110oC Appearance and color: Orange liquid. Odorless.


* Read all cautions and directions carefully before using this product.

* Not for use in steam systems.

* Not for use with CPVC pipe and fittings.

* Use Hercules boiler liquid or base hit TM II to stop leaks on system containing cryotek products.

* Do not use in internal combustion engines as a coolant.

* Do not use in water softeners. Disconnect all water softeners from system or provide back flow protection to prevent

mineral contamination of minerals.

* Cryotek products are not recommended: 1. For use in systems containing galvanized components. 2. For open solar systems and systems where operating stagnation temperatures are regularly over 300oF / 150oC. 3. For systems with concentrating solar collectors or evacuated tube solar collectors. (Please check with equipment manufacturer of system to determine compatibility with this product). CAUTION REGARDING COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS: Hercules cryotek products are formulated using virgin propylene glycol and high purity Triple Protection additives for assurance of materials compatibility and nontoxicity characteristics. Dilution or mixing of cryotek products with other manufacturers' product may compromise these critical requirements and is not recommended.


STOCK NO. SIZE PACKING WEIGHT/CASE 35283 cryotek 100/AL 5 gal. 1 49. 6 lbs. 35291 cryotek 100/AL 55 gal. 1 518. 0 lbs. 35290 Refractometer 1 0. 25 lbs. 35272 pH Meter 1 0. 3 lbs. 35271 Test Kit 610 packs 0. 3 lbs.

STOCK NO. SIZE PACKING WEIGHT/CASE 35274 Inhibitor 8 oz. 6 5. 3 lbs. 35279 Protection Tags Free/available upon request


# For special applications which may not be covered on this or other Hercules literature, please contact Hercules Technical Servi ces Department by phone at 18002219330 or send a fax to 18003333456.

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. CLEAN THE SYSTEM It is recommended that any system, whether new or existing, be thoroughly cleaned prior to being charged with cryotek 100/AL. Any system contaminated with dirt and other materials reduces efficiency and wears the system prematurely. New systems need to be free of flux, solder residue, grease and any foreign particles. Existing systems need to be flushed and cleaned to eliminate any buildup of rust, scale, lime and other nonorganic matter. All systems should be checked for leaks prior to installation of any cryotek product. Minor leaks can be sealed with Hercules base hit II or Hercules boiler liquid .

2. MEASURE THE TOTAL CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM using one of the following methods:

DIRECT METHOD A. Fill system completely, making sure all components of system are full. B. Shut system down, let pressure drop to a safe level. C. Drain out fluid into suitable container and record the number of gallons removed. This is TOTAL SYSTEM FLUID CAPACITY.

ESTIMATION METHOD A. Determine system pipe sizes and amount of linear footage for each size. Using Table I, calculate the volume of the system piping.

B. Add this number to the gallon capacity of the boiler or equipment in the system to determine the TOTAL SYSTEM FLUID CAPACITY.

TABLE I (Note: 1 US Gallon = 3. 785 Liters)

3. SELECT DESIRED TEMPERATURE COVERAGE Using Table II, determine protection level desired and match it to the appropriate cryotek product concentration.


4. DETERMINE AMOUNT OF cryotek PRODUCT REQUIRED IN SYSTEM Determine the amount of cryotek product needed in system by multiplying total system capacity in gallons by the concentration factor of cryotek 100/AL, product (first column in each chart above).

Total System Capacity (gal) X Concentration Factor of cryotek product = Amount of cryotek product to be used (gal) 5. CHARGING THE SYSTEM System should be completely empty with burner and pump shut off. All internal valves, including zone valves, should be open. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM SHOULD BE OPEN TO PREVENT ANY AREA OF IT FROM BEING ISOLATED. First, add the computed amount of cryotek product. Second, add water if necessary. The system can be filled using one of the following two alternatives. The main objective is to fill the system with little or no air trapped in it.

A. After providing for an air exit, pump solution into boiler through the boiler drain valve using a small pump. B. Pour solution through a removed air vent at the HIGHEST point in the system.

6. PURGE THE AIR IN SYSTEM Since air (which includes oxygen) trapped in a system not only results in inefficiencies in the operating of the system (wasted energy and excessive noise), it can also cause corrosion. To prevent this, the system, once filled, needs to be purged of all air.

Description Pipe Diameter Nominal Size 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" Standard US Gallons of 1. 0 1. 6 2. 8 4. 5 7. 8 10. 6 17. 5 24. 9 38. 5 Steel Pipe Fluid per 100 ft. pipe Type "L" US Gallons of 0. 76 1. 22 1. 81 2. 52 4. 30 6. 55 9. 27 16. 12 24. 86 35. 48 Copper Tubing Fluid per 100 ft. pipe

3 cryotek 100/AL The above chart differs from cryotek 100. Cryotek 100 is based on actual freeze numbers developed at NJIT. The cryotek 100/ AL chart above is based on using the Dow tables at 60% PG. /Delta Pumpable Down to protection levels are estimated and are dependent on system and equipment. Attempting to circulate fluid below freeze point may overload and/or cause pump failure.

MIXING RATIO PROTECTIONS % Concentration Parts of Parts of Freeze Protection Pumpable /Delta Burst Protection of cryotek 100/AL cryotek 100/AL Water Down to Down to Down to 100% undiluted 60oF / 51oC 70oF / 57oC 100oF / 73oC 75% 3 1 18oF / 28oC 32oF / 35oC 75oF / 60oC 60% 3 2 +2oF / 17oC 20oF / 29oC 50oF / 46oC 50% 1 1 +12oF / 11oC +5oF / 15oC 20oF / 30oC

7. TEST THE SYSTEM Once installed and fully operational, use Hercules Refractometer and pH Meter or Cryotek Test Strips to test fluid to assure proper freeze and corrosion protection. Note: An automotive coolant tester will not work with cryotek or other propylene glycol antifreeze mixtures.

8. MAINTENANCE Systems with Cryotek 100/AL installed should be tested annually for product concentration and inhibitor levels usingHercules Refractometer and pH Meter (or, less accurately Hercules Test Strips). If Cryotek 100/A

L concentration levels are low, add Cryotek 100/A L using the following formula:

Be sure to drain adequate fluid from system before adding the additional Cryotek 100/AL. The proprietary inhibitor used in Hercules Cryotek 100/AL has an exceptionally long life expectancy. The pH of the system solution should always be between 7. 0 and 8. 5. If the corrosion inhibitor tests low, add one 8 oz. container of Cryotek Inhibitor in accordance with inhibitor labelinstructions for every 20 gallons of fluid capacity of the system. If the total system capacity is less than 20 gallons, add

one 8 oz. container of Cryotek 100/AL Inhibitor. If after inhibitor addition and thorough system mixing, the corrosioninhibitor pH still tests low, add another 8 oz. container of Cryotek 100/A

L Inhibitor for every 20 gallons of systemcapacity. If after this addition the inhibitor still tests low, the system should be drained, cleaned, and recharged with

fresh Cryotek 100/AL.

Hercules Chemical Company, Inc. 111 South Street, Passaic, NJ 070559100 Phone: 8002219330 * Fax: 8003333456email: info@herchem. com http://www. herchem. com (C)2008 HCCI / KA / EW / 0708 / 2000

For Delivery by Fax Call 18009424636 Internet See MSDS section of www. herchem. com

Mail Contact Hercules at address below or any Hercules representative


(MSDS) #40 cryotek 100/AL

HMIS Hazard Warning 000A. INGREDIENTS CAS# PROPYLENE GLYCOL 57556NJT. S. R. #31348300 5018P, 5002P


If you require additional information or have specific questions concerning Hercules cryotek products,

call Hercules Technical Services department at 18002219330,

send a fax to 18003333456, or email to info@herchem. com

ISO 9001: 2000 Certified

TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY (gal) X = Number of gallons of Cryotek to be added.

(% Cryotek desired % Cryotek in system)(100% % Cryotek in system)

(100% % Cryotek in system)


Manufacturer OATEY CHERNE

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