
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: DOD 40Q40H18
MFG Part #: 40Q40H18
UPC: 782475766093
Supplier: Baldor Reliance Electric
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Your Price: $4916.02 / EA

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Dodge® Tigear-2® Right Angle Worm Gear Speed Reducer, Size 40 Standard, 40:1 Gear Ratio, 4.43 hp, Quill Input, Hollow Shaft Output, 1-1/8 in Input, 2.188 in Output, 44 rpm Output Maximum, 1750 rpm Input Maximum, 4800 in-lb Torque, 4 in Centre Distance, 2.96 in L x 0.25 in W x 0.25 in H Keyway, 60 to 95 % Efficiency, Left Hand Rotation, Synthetic Oil Lubrication, No Base Mounting, Gray Iron, 14.39 in L x 9.82 in W x 12.94 in H Dimensions


  • Worm shaft machining process increases gear precision and accuracy by more than twice the norm
  • Precise plunge grinding process eliminates invisible lead and assures cool running
  • Higher torque capacity
  • Greater efficiency
  • New bronze gear material has an extremely fine grain structure for maximum durability and minimum wear
  • Breather free, sealed design


Food and Beverage, Unit Handling, Baggage Handling, Belt Conveyor, Pumping, Fan Drive, Mixer Drive and Screw Conveyor


Centre Distance 4 in
Dimensions 14.39 in L x 9.82 in W x 12.94 in H
Efficiency 60 to 95 %
Gear Ratio 40:1
Horsepower 4.43 hp
Input Maximum Speed 1750 rpm
Input Size 1-1/8 in
Input Type Quill
Keyway Size 2.96 in L x 0.25 in W x 0.25 in H
Lubrication Type Synthetic Oil
Material Gray Iron
Mounting Type No Base
Output Maximum Speed 44 rpm
Output Size 2.188 in
Output Type Hollow Shaft
Rotation Type Left Hand
Torque Rating 4800 in-lb
Manufacturer Baldor Reliance Electric

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