
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: DIC CRD 331 EC613
Description: RS 8,41 E706Z
MFG Part #: 75065567
Supplier: Dichtomatik
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Your Price: $7.45 / EA

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DICHTOMATIK Extruded O-Ring Cord, 0.331 in Dia, 70 Shore A Durometer, Round Cross Section, -50 to 150 deg C, EPDM, Black, Domestic


  • Very stable in hot water and steam, washing lyes, caustic soda and caustic potash, silicone oils and greases, many polar solutions, many diluted acids and chemicals
  • Good resistance to ozone
  • Incompatible with mineral oil products


Hydraulics, Vehicle Manufacturing, Vacuum Applications, Machine Building and Plant Engineering


Color Black
Cross Section Shape Round
Diameter 0.331 in
Domestic/Import Domestic
Durometer 70 Shore A
Material EPDM
Temperature Rating -50 to 150 deg C
Manufacturer Dichtomatik

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