
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: DIA 50 SS RIV
Description: DMD-50-1RAP-10FT;D0302
MFG Part #: 101954605
UPC: 716647379668
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Your Price: $620.11 / FT

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Diamond Chain XAP-1550-D-010
Stainless Steel Chain:
Diamond produces a wide range of Single-Pitch Drive and Double-Pitch Conveyor chains manufactured in four combinations of stainless steel depending upon the specific application.
AP Stainless Chain: This chain is assembled using 300 Series (austenitic stainless) link plates, bushings and rollers along with a precipitation-hardened stainless steel pin.
This combination increases the wear life of this chain over those constructed entirely of 300 Series components. AP Stainless chains are well suited for food processing, and are
approved by the Food and Drug Administration. AP Stainless will be supplied unless otherwise specified.

300 Series Stainless Chain:
These chains are assembled entirely from 300 Series (austenitic) components.
They have excellent corrosion resistance and very low magnetic permeability but cannot be expected to have the same wear resistance of our heat treated stainless chains.
For industries that require it, 300 Series chains can be considered non-sparking.

400 Series Stainless Chain:
These chains are manufactured using 300 Series link plates but have pins, bushings and rollers that are produced from 400 Series (martensitic) heat treated stainless.
This combination significantly increases wear resistance over those that are constructed using only 300 Series stainless chains.
The properties of the 400 Series heat treated parts may, in some instances, cause them to discolor when in contact with certain chemicals.

600 Series Stainless Chain:
These chains are assembled using 300 Series link plates, with pins, bushings and rollers made from 600 Series (17-4/17-7) precipitation-hardened stainless.


Chain Pitch 5/8 in
Roller Diameter 0.4
Roller Width 3/8 in
Construction Rivited
Pin Diameter 0.2
Link Plate Thickness 0.08
Type Rivited