
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: BVA SA15-2002T
Description: PUMP/CYLINDER SET - PA1500 & HC2002T
MFG Part #: SA15-2002T
UPC: 047077809822
Supplier: BVA Hydraulics
Please use Live Chat or call 800-918-8939 for exact lead time.

Your Price: $2162.06 / EA

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BVA Hydraulics SA15-2002T - HC2002T, PA1500, CS3838, CH38M, GW4014, CF3814

General Cylinder Sets - HC2002T Cylinder and PA1500 Air Pump


• SA15-2002T combo set includes all components need to power connect and monitor system pressure. It includes 3/8", 6 Foot Hydraulic Hose (CS3838)
•  Gauge Adapter (CF3814)
•  4" Wet Gauge (GW4014)
•  3/8" High Flow Male Coupler (CH38M) Cylinder (HC2002T)
•  Pump (PA1500)


Manufacturer BVA Hydraulics

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