
Product Data

KSCdirect Part #: BLU 115707-91
Description: 115707-91 DISCHARGE VALVE 6055
MFG Part #: 115707-91
Supplier: CDS-John Blue Company
On Hand: In Stock - Available for immediate shipment.

Your Price: $37.49 / EA

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115707-91 DISCHARGE VALVE 6055 Discharge valves are devices that make it possible to monitor and control the flow of a substance from a source and through some type of circulation system. The idea behind the discharge valve is that it provides the ability to adjust that flow in order to respond to situations that require a change in the volume or speed of that flow. A discharge control valve is included in a number of different systems that process liquids and gases, and may even be utilized as a safety measure in some electrical systems.


Manufacturer CDS-John Blue Company
Type Discharge Valve for NGP6055

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